Results for 'Alejandra Jaramillo Morales'

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  1. Nación y melancolía: literaturas de la violencia en Colombia, 1995-2005.Alejandra Jaramillo Morales - 2007 - Arbor 183 (724):319-330.
    La profunda crisis social de Colombia y la tendencia a solucionar los conflictos de forma violenta tiene su reflejo identitario y su proyección en el arte, el cine y la literatura. Melancolía y violencia se muestran en la novelística de la última década.
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  2. Gratuitous (post)humanism in education : 'There is no thought not yet thought'.And Pasley, Alejandra Jaramillo-Aristizabal & Noah Romero - 2024 - In Jessie Bustillos Morales & Shiva Zarabadi, Towards posthumanism in education: theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  3. Los repertorios lingüísticos estudiantiles en el centro-norte de México: “Todo es lenguaje… Estamos haciendo todos los días lenguaje.”.Alejandra Núñez Asomoza & Alba Lucía Morales Alvarado - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):154-175.
    A través de un estudio de caso y bajo el paradigma de investigación cualitativa, este artículo contribuye con evidencia que da cuenta de la conformación de los repertorios lingüísticos de estudiantes universitarios en el centro-norte de México, así como los espacios en donde ejercen prácticas lingüísticas flexibles.
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    En torno a fronteras e intelectuales: Conceptualizaciones, itinerarios y coyunturas institucionales.Horacio Crespo, Morales Moreno, Luis Gerardo & Mina Alejandra Navarro (eds.) - 2014 - México: Itaca.
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    The Moral Limits of Territorial Claims in Antarctica.Alejandra Mancilla - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (3):339-360.
    By virtue of the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959, the territorial claims to Antarctica of seven of the original signatories were held in abeyance or “frozen.” Considered by many as an exemplar of international law, the Antarctic Treaty System has come to be increasingly questioned, however, in a very much changed global scenario that presents new challenges to the governance of the White Continent. In this context, it is necessary to gain a clearer understanding of the moral weight of those (...)
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    The Right of Necessity: Moral Cosmopolitanism and Global Poverty.Alejandra Mancilla - 2016 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What does the basic right to subsistence allow its holders to do for themselves when it goes unfulfilled? This book guides the reader through the morality of infringing property rights for subsistence, in a global context.
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    La comunidad anárquica de la metáfora testimonial. Lo irreparable en la reparación moral y simbólica.Hernán Alonso Jaramillo Fernández - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (78):269-299.
    La relación entre comunidad y reparación es un problema central para enfrentar la violencia. En este contexto, reparar significa estabilizar los lazos sociales, morales y políticos que fueron dañados por la violencia. Por esta razón, el testimonio es central, constituye un acto político e institucional que garantiza la verdad, la justicia y la reparación. Sin embargo, los conceptos de comunidad, reparación y testimonio adquieren un nuevo sentido en la filosofía francesa contemporánea, especialmente con Emmanuel Lévinas, Maurice Blanchot y Jean-Luc (...)
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    Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina, de Armin von Bogdandy – Héctor Fix – Mariela Morales.Leonardo García Jaramillo - 2016 - Co-herencia 13 (24):293-298.
    Además del desafío propiamente jurídico que plantean la interamericanización del derecho y los proyectos que propugnan por un constitucionalismo transformador de las desigualdades sociales y políticas que aquejan a los países de la región, se plantean retos de naturaleza política. Sobresalen la inclusión social y la debida representación política. Dentro de los retos filosóficos se encuentra la depuración de conceptos que sofistiquen y precisen las categorías con las cuales describimos nuevos fenómenos en América Latina.
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    Citizenship education as a response to Colombia’s social and political context.Rosario Jaramillo & José A. Mesa - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (4):467-487.
    In response to the difficult social, economic and political problems that Colombia faces, such as inequality, discrimination, weak civil society—fuelled by illegality and drug trafficking—the Colombian Ministry of Education has embarked on an ambitious citizenship education program, with the hope of strengthening the role of education by establishing alternative solutions. This innovative program attempts to counteract Colombians' recourse to violence as a means of solving the country's endemic problems by developing the competencies of students, teachers and other participants in education. (...)
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  10. Necessity Knows No Borders: The Right of Necessity and Illegalized Migration.Alejandra Mancilla - 2020 - In Virpi Mäkinen, Jonathan Robinson, Pamela Slotte & Heikki Haara, Rights at the margins: historical, legal and philosophical perspectives. Boston: Brill.
    In this paper, I argue that taking basic human rights seriously—and the basic right to subsistence in particular—requires acknowledging that, given certain conditions, people in need have a right of necessity to take, use and/or occupy the property of others in order to get out of their plight. I explore the implications of this for the phenomenon of illegalized migration for subsistence reasons, and suggest that receiving countries ought not to deny entry to these migrants. On the contrary, those seeking (...)
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    El Fundamento Antropológico de la Filosofía Política y Moral de Thomas Hobbes. [REVIEW]Alejandra Carrasco - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):454-455.
    This study postulates that Hobbes’s moral and political philosophy follows his materialistic and mechanistic conception of man, and should be understood in the light of the one principle that rules over all his system: the movement of bodies. Lukac intends to show the unity and interdependence of the English philosopher’s thought, describing it as a deductive process from a mechanistic theory of nature to civil philosophy. Through exposition, she highlights two especially relevant features for her argument: the reduction of all (...)
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  12. Nonhuman Animals in Adam Smith's Moral Theory.Alejandra Mancilla - 2009 - Between the Species 13 (9).
    By giving sympathy a central role, Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) can be regarded as one of the ‘enlightened’ moral theories of the Enlightenment, insofar as it widened the scope of moral consideration beyond the traditionally restricted boundary of human beings. This, although the author himself does not seem to have been aware of this fact. In this paper, I want to focus on two aspects which I think lead to this conclusion. First, by making sentience the requisite (...)
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    Occupancy rights: dynamic as well as located.Alejandra Mancilla - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 23 (6):765-772.
    Anna Stilz’s Territorial Sovereignty (2019) aims to be a revisionist account of territorial rights that puts the value of individual autonomy first, without giving up the value of collective self-determination. In what follows I examine Stilz’s definition of occupancy rights and her emphasis on the moral relevance of what she calls ‘located’ life plans. I suggest that, if it aims at being truly revisionist, her theory should work with a broader definition of occupancy. So long as it doesn’t, these rights (...)
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  14.  27
    Justice as political problem. From Kantian moral constructivism to Rawlsian political constructivism. [Spanish].Jefferson Jaramillo Marín & Yesid Echeverry Enciso - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:108-142.
    El artículo expone la justicia como un problema político desde la perspectiva del filósofo John Rawls. En su desarrollo se señalan las implicaciones del constructivismo kantiano en el constructivismo político rawlsiano. Se discute cómo la conexión entre estos dos tipos de constructivismo, proporciona un procedimiento de construcción, en el que agentes racionalmente autónomos, sujetos a condiciones razonables, elaboran acuerdos sobre principios públicos de justicia para lograr un sistema justo de cooperación que trascienda generacionalmente. Se concluye, mostrando las limitaciones y alcances (...)
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    The human right to subsistence.Alejandra Mancilla - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (9):e12618.
    That there is a human right to subsistence is a basic assumption for most moral and political theorists interested in the problem of global poverty, but it is not one exempt from controversy. In this article, I examine four justifications for this right and suggest that it takes the form of a claim, that is, a right which creates correlative duties on others who are then taken to be the main agents in its fulfillment. I point to some criticisms made (...)
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    Aproximación a Las Concepciones de Justicia y Bien Desde John Rawls y Milton Fisk.Jefferson Jaramillo & Yesid Echeverri - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 23:95-123.
    Este artículo examina las concepciones de justicia y bien desde lasperspectivas de John Rawls y Milton Fisk. Enfatizamos en los principalespostulados y diferencias que suponen esas nociones en el marco delliberalismo político y las realidades sociales contemporáneas. En primerlugar discutimos el concepto de bienes primarios elaborado por Rawls y surelación con la igualdad social. Señalamos como este concepto se ajustamás a condiciones procedimentales que a realidades concretas. En segundolugar discutimos las nociones de bienes públicos y justicia radical de Fisk apartir (...)
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    Montaigne, la ética, la "manera" moderna.Antonio Rodríguez Jaramillo - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 33:65-85.
    Montaigne compone una ética moderna definida por el ejercicio de su pensamiento autocritico que acompañado de un método filosófico aborda la construcción de sÍ mismo como una "manera" filosófica. Las reflexiones intentan responder simultáneamente a dos cuestiones: ¿cómo le es posible proveerse de una ética que le permita una existencia ordenada y sensata, cuando la condición humana está signada por el desorden y la extravagancia? ¿Cómo le es posible fundar una ética moderna -antes que Descartes- con una posición escéptica?
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    Agent-Centered Morality. An Aristotelian Alternative to Kantian Internalism. [REVIEW]Alejandra Carrasco - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (2):434-435.
    In this book Harris intends to construct an agent-centered conception of morality grounded on a naturalistic understanding of practical reason. In order to achieve this goal, he contrasts his Aristotelian revisionist perspective with the traditional and internalist Kantian proposals, focusing on two specific matters: the opposition between agent-centered and agent-neutral norms, and the newer and very interesting discussion of symmetrical versus asymmetrical regulative norms. The first topic will be especially relevant for the rejection of traditional Kantianism, while the second will (...)
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  19. The Bridge of Benevolence: Hutcheson and Mencius.Alejandra Mancilla - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (1):57-72.
    The Scottish sentimentalist Francis Hutcheson and the Chinese Confucianist Mencius give benevolence (ren) a key place in their respective moral theories, as the first and foundational virtue. Leaving aside differences in style and method, my purpose in this essay is to underline this similarity by focusing on four common features: first, benevolence springs from compassion, an innate and universal feeling shared by all human beings; second, its objects are not only human beings but also animals; third, it is sensitive to (...)
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    El Sujeto Como Humana Condición: Ensayos Del Señor de Montaigne.Antonio Rodríguez Jaramillo - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 30:85-105.
    Ensayos es el título de una pintura donde su autor se representa modalizando su “yo” como sujeto y tema. En esta misma operación se elabora una pintura de la humana condición, una moral. Se trata de responder a dos cuestiones: ¿cómo es posible en un autorretrato de tinta un estudio de los comportamientos del “hombre en general”? y ¿cómo es posible, para un autor del siglo XVI, construir una moral, que rebasa el nivel de las costumbres y las convenciones, sin (...)
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    Impartiality through ‘Moral Optics’: Why Adam Smith revised David Hume's Moral Sentimentalism.Christel Fricke & Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (1):1-18.
    We read Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments as a critical response to David Hume's moral theory. While both share a commitment to moral sentimentalism, they propose different ways of meeting its main challenge, that is, explaining how judgments informed by (partial) sentiments can nevertheless have a justified claim to general authority. This difference is particularly manifest in their respective accounts of ‘moral optics’, or the way they rely on the analogy between perceptual and moral judgments. According to Hume, making (...)
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  22.  64
    What the Old Right of Necessity Can Do for the Contemporary Global Poor.Alejandra Mancilla - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy:607-620.
    Given the grim global statistics of extreme poverty and socioeconomic inequalities, moral and political philosophers have focused on the duties of justice and assistance that arise therefrom. What the needy are morally permitted to do for themselves in this context has been, however, a mostly overlooked question. Reviving a medieval and early modern account of the right of necessity, I propose that a chronically deprived agent has a right to take, use and/or occupy whatever material resources are required to guarantee (...)
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    When Subsistence Rights Are Just Claims and This is Unjust.Alejandra Mancilla - 2019 - Social Philosophy and Policy 36 (2):134-153.
    Abstract:Most of the liberal moral and political debate concerning global poverty has focused on the duties of justice or assistance that the well-off have toward the needy. In this essay, I show how rights-based theories in particular have unanimously understood subsistence rights just (and only) as claims, where all it means to have a claim—following Hohfeld—is that others have a duty toward us. This narrow interpretation of subsistence rights has led to a glaring omission; namely, there has been no careful (...)
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    Greening Global Egalitarianism?Alejandra Mancilla - 2021 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 13 (1):99-114.
    In Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory, Chris Armstrong proposes a version of global egalitarianism that – contra the default renderings of this approach – takes individual attachment to specific resources into account. By doing this, his theory has the potential for greening global egalitarianism both in terms of procedure and scope. In terms of procedure, its broad account of attachment and its focus on individuals rather than groups connects with participatory governance and management and, ultimately, participatory democracy – (...)
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  25. What we own Before Property: Hugo Grotius and the Suum.Alejandra Mancilla - 2015 - Grotiana 36 (1):63-77.
    _ Source: _Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 63 - 77 At the basis of modern natural law theories, the concept of the _suum_, i.e. what belongs to the person, has received little scholarly attention despite its importance both in explaining and justifying not only the genealogy of property, but also that of morality and war. In this essay I focus on Grotius’s account of the _suum_ and examine what it is, what things it includes, what rights it gives rise to, (...)
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  26. Noncivil Disobedience and the Right of Necessity. A Point of Convergence.Alejandra Mancilla - 2012 - Krisis 3:3-15.
    Given the conceptual gap in the global justice debate today (where most of the talk is about the duties of the rich, but little is said about what the poor may do for themselves), in this article I reintroduce the idea of a right of necessity. I first delineate a normative framework for such a right, inspired by these historical accounts. I then offer a contemporary case where the exercise of the right of necessity would be morally legitimate according to (...)
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  27. Samuel Pufendorf and the Right of Necessity.Alejandra Mancilla - 2012 - Aporia 3:47-64.
    From the end of the twelfth century until the middle of the eighteenth century, the concept of a right of necessity –i.e. the moral prerogative of an agent, given certain conditions, to use or take someone else’s property in order to get out of his plight– was common among moral and political philosophers, who took it to be a valid exception to the standard moral and legal rules. In this essay, I analyze Samuel Pufendorf’s account of such a right, founded (...)
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  28. Veganism.Alejandra Mancilla - 2012 - In Paul B. Thompson & David M. Kaplan, Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. New York: Springer Verlag.
    Narrowly understood, veganism is the practice of excluding all animal products from one’s diet, with the exception of human milk. More broadly, veganism is not only a food ethics, but it encompasses all other areas of life. As defined by the Vegan Society when it became an established charity in the UK in 1979, veganism is best understood as “a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude – as far as is possible and practicable – all forms of (...)
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    Política, Ética y Republicanismo En Kant.Jefferson Jaramillo Marín - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 18.
    Se pretende en este artículo, desde la revisión de los llamados textos éticopolíticos de I. Kant, aventurar a lo largo de tres rutas temáticas la comprensión de los posibles cruces entre política y ética. Para ello, en primer término se aborda el problema de la libertad como condición de posibilidad no sólo de la moral sino de la política. Seguidamente se enfoca la discusión al enfrentamiento de Kant con el realismo político y su defensa de la emancipación político - moral (...)
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  30. Det vi eide førfast eiendom. Hugo Grotius og suum (What We Own Before Property: Hugo Grotius and the suum).Alejandra Mancilla - 2013 - Arr, Idéhistorisk Tiddskrift 3:3-14.
    At the basis of modern natural law theories, the concept of the suum, or what belongs to the person (in Latin, his, her, its, their own), has received little scholarly attention despite its importance both in explaining and justifying not only the genealogy of property, but also that of morality and war.1 In this paper I examine Hugo Grotius's what it is, what things it includes, what rights it gives rise to and how it is extended in the transition from (...)
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    Scottish Sentimentalism: Hume and Smith against moral egoism.María Alejandra Carrasco - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 39:55-74.
    Resumen Los filósofos sentimentalistas escoceses David Hume y Adam Smith proponen dos estrategias distintas para restringir las tendencias egoístas de la naturaleza humana. A pesar de las evidentes similitudes de sus propuestas morales, Smith encuentra dentro del ser humano la capacidad para transformar sus pasiones parciales y aspirar hacia ideales de perfección. El sentimentalismo de Hume, en cambio, no permite la autotransformación de la persona, y debe apoyarse en convenciones sociales para manipular y redirigir los impulsos egoístas desde fuera. (...)
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    Justice and Genetics: Offsetting the Difference.Alejandra Zúñiga-Fajuri - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):115-128.
    Se analizan los dilemas morales asociados a los avances científicos que en la actualidad nos exigen repensar el concepto de igualdad equitativa de oportunidades. Asimismo, se pasa revista a la discusión filosófica en torno al origen de las desventajas sociales y genéticas que permiten las desigualdades sociales. This paper discusses the moral dilemmas associated with scientific advances that require rethinking the concept of fair equality of opportunity. It also reviews the philosophical discussion about the origin of the genetic and (...)
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  33. Bioética: vida e morte femininas.Alejandra Ana Rotania (ed.) - 2002 - Rio de Janeiro: Rede Nacional Feminista de Saúde e Direitos Reprodutivos.
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    (1 other version)De Hutcheson a Smith: Un sentimentalismo 'sofisticado'.María Alejandra Carrasco - 2009 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 65:81-96.
    Francis Hutcheson es un reconocido proto-utilitarista. Sin embargo, Adam Smith, su discípulo más prominente y sucesor en la cátedra de Filosofía Moral de la Universidad de Glasgow, tomó otros aspectos de la ética sentimentalista de su maestro y fundó, sobre la base del mismo sentimentalismo, una teoría moral completamente distinta. En este trabajo exploraré qué rasgos de la ética de Smith -en particular, los de la simpatía y espectador imparcial- se encuentran ya en germen en la ética de Hutcheson y (...)
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    La libertad como el punto de encuentro para la construcción de la confianza en las relaciones humanas.Carlos Vargas-González & Iván-Darío Toro-Jaramillo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:09-09.
    This paper proposes freedom as the condition of possibility for the construction of trust in human relationships. The methodology used is a review of the scientific literature of the most recent moral and political philosophy. As a result of the dialogue between different positions, it is discovered that freedom, despite being present in the act of trust, is forgotten in the discussion around trust, a forgetfulness that has as its main causes the assumption that trust is natural and the confusion (...)
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    Hombre, Naturaleza y Cultura. [REVIEW]Alejandra Carrasco - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):924-925.
    In this collection of seven essays Leo J. Elders, S. V. D. reaches a remarkable combination of clarity, elegance, and flowing exposition with depth and good sense in the analysis and application of Thomas Aquinas's philosophy on contemporary issues. Inspired by the Croat proverb “a fish rots starting from the head,” the Thomist scholar calls for going back to basics in order to correct mistakes, fortify morality, and renew ideals in our decadent modern society. These “basics” concerning man, nature, culture (...)
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    Lo que nos importa: Autodirección, identidad Y moralidad.María Alejandra Carrasco - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 33:218-240.
    RESUMEN En este artículo discuto acerca de la polémica entre Harry Frankfurt y Susan Wolf respecto a si es o no es importante que aquello que amamos sea objetivamente valioso, y si una vida completamente inmoral es tan valiosa como otra vida moral. Sostengo que aunque Frankfurt tiene razón al decir que el solo hecho de amar ya es valioso, eso no basta para una praxis plena. Dado que nuestros fines determinan nuestras elecciones, aquello que amemos determinará el tipo de (...)
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    Adam Smith’s Reconstruction of Practical Reason.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):81-116.
    IN THE LAST PART of the Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith puts his theory in a class with those of his contemporaries Francis Hutcheson and David Hume, namely, the systems that make sentiments the principle of approbation. Despite recognizing important differences with both of them, he thinks that since he has placed the origin of moral sentiments in sympathy, and in particular the fact that we are able to enter into the motives of the agent and get pleasure from (...)
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    The neglected historical and philosophical connection between José Ingenieros and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Manuela Alejandra Gomez - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas, Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter explores the impact of Ralph Waldo Emerson on Latin American philosopher José Ingenieros. The chapter maintains that this impact is crucial because it aids in understanding and appreciating Ingenieros and his moral philosophy and it has never before been explored. However, for over a hundred years, this unique connection has been hiding a link between Latin American philosophy and American pragmatism.
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  40. Adam Smith: Self-Command, Practical Reason and Deontological Insights.Maria Alejandra Carrasco - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2):391-414.
    In this paper, I argue that, in his Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith conflates two different meanings of ?self-command?, which is particularly puzzling because of the central role of this virtue in his theory. The first is the matrix of rational action, the one described in Part III of the TMS and learned in ?the great school of self-command?. The second is the particular moral virtue of self-command. Distinguishing between these two meanings allows us, on the one hand, to (...)
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    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.Dr J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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  43. Theories of Justice.Tom Campbell & Alejandra Mancilla (eds.) - 2012 - Ashgate.
    Forty years ago, in his landmark work A Theory of Justice, John Rawls depicted a just society as a fair system of cooperation between citizens, regarded as free and equal persons. Justice, Rawls famously claimed, ought to be “the first virtue of social institutions.” Ever since then, moral and political philosophers have expanded, expounded or criticized Rawls’s main tenets, from perspectives as diverse as egalitarianism, left and right libertarianism, and the ethics of care. The most important and influential views in (...)
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    La Ética de Adam Smith: Conciliando Paradigmas, una Propuesta Olvidada.María Alejandra Carrasco - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (3):23-38.
    RESUMEN: En su Teoría de los Sentimientos Morales Adam Smith propone una ética que concilia dos paradigmas habitualmente considerados como incompatibles: una ética de virtudes, con normas orientativas e ideales de excelencia, y una ética con reglas universales que se aplican en todos los casos sin excepción. Smith lo hace cambiando el punto de vista desde el que se realiza el juicio moral, a una perspectiva que llamaré "simpatético-imparcial", y que corresponde a "los sentimientos simpatéticos de un espectador imparcial (...)
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    Crime and Punishment: How Historical Narratives Affect the Evaluation of Restorative and Retributive Justice.Juan David Hernandez-Posada, Javier Corredor & Alejandra María Martínez-Salgado - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):261-273.
    This article explores how historical narratives affect the evaluation of political decisions regarding justice during peace negotiations. Specifically, this study evaluates how different narratives of the Colombian armed conflict relate to the preference for either restorative or retributive justice. Results revealed that a historically accurate narrative that included structural elements correlated with the preference for restorative justice, whereas a schematic narrative that focused on individual greed favoured the preference for retributive justice. These results are explained in terms of the characteristics (...)
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    Accepting the Likelihood of Ambiguity and Disagreement on Moral Matters.Carlos Ríos-Velázquez, William J. Frey, Erika Jaramillo-Giraldo & Morgan Echeverry-Solarte - 2013 - Teaching Ethics 13 (2):55-72.
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    La Neuropsicología Del Juicio Moral. Sobre Las Causas de Respuestas Contraintuitivas a Los Dilemas Morales.Alejandro Rosas, Andrea Arciniegas, Esteban Cavides & Alejandra Arciniegas - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica 38:89-106.
    Una literatura creciente en neuropsicología estudia el juicio moral aplicando dilemas morales a personas con daños neuronales o con rasgos de personalidad antisocial; y parece confirmar una tendencia al juicio utilitarista contra-intuitivo, es decir, estas personas aprueban el sacrificio de un inocente para salvar varias vidas. Argumentamos que las evidencias encontradas no respaldan la hipótesis de dos módulos morales (Greene et al. 2004), sino más bien una disfunción en la capacidad empática o en el procesamiento de emociones, que (...)
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    GREGG, SAMUEL, La libertad en la encrucijada. El dilema moral de las sociedades libres, trad. Mª de los Ángeles Barros, Ciudadela Libros, Madrid, 2007, 216 pp. [REVIEW]María Alejandra Vanney - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico:194-197.
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  49. ¿Decisión Utilitarista o Decisión Aleatoria?: Crítica a una tesis atrincherada en la neurociencia cognitiva.Alejandro Rosas, Esteban Caviedes, Maria Alejandra Arciniegas Gomez & Andrea Arciniegas Gomez - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (153):179-199.
    Diversos estudios han concluido que los pacientes con daño en la Corteza Frontal –CF– o Corteza Prefrontal Ventromedial –CPV– muestran una disposición a herir directamente a otra persona con el fin de salvar varias vidas en sus respuestas a los “dilemas morales personales”, revelando una posible carencia de empatía. No obstante, cuando evalúan conductas carentes de empatía sin justificación utilitarista, sus respuestas son normales. Defendemos aquí que los pacientes sufren una deficiencia cognitiva relacionada con la hipótesis de marcador somático (...)
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    Utilitarian Decision or Random Decision? Critique of a Thesis Rooted in Cognitive Neuroscience.Alejandro Rosas, Esteban Caviedes, Arciniegas Gomez Maria Alejandra & Arciniegas Gomez Maria Andrea - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (153):179-199.
    RESUMEN Diversos estudios han concluido que los pacientes con daño en la Corteza Frontal -CF- o Corteza Prefrontal Ventromedial -CPV- muestran una disposición a herir directamente a otra persona con el fin de salvar varias vidas en sus respuestas a los "dilemas morales personales", revelando una posible carencia de empatía. No obstante, cuando evalúan conductas carentes de empatía sin justificación utilitarista, sus respuestas son normales. Defendemos aquí que los pacientes sufren una deficiencia cognitiva relacionada con la hipótesis de marcador (...)
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